Wonderful poster of a passing Dublin. These wonderful industrius places of our old city should never be forgotton. Too many have been allowed to slip away, Dublin was always an industrious and hard working city full of arts, crafts and innovation. We need to remember those times.
Helys was a Paper and Print factory on Dame Court in Dublin. A printing family, but more than just any ordinary stationer. They are behind the printing of propaganda posters from the early 20th century to the printing of the most famous Irish plays e.g. "Shadow of a Gunman", “Juno and the Paycock” and "The Plough and the Stars”. The company still exists and works out of Tallaght nowadays.
We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own.
We look forward to helping you create your own collection that can be treasured and admired by your family for many generations to come!
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.
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