If your name happened to be James Downey and you happened to live in Tubbergal in the county of Wexford in 1873, your future was very bleak indeed. To add insult to injury, you managed to survive the Great Famine only to be evicted from the home of your birth by virtue of
Richard Williamson Esquire (Landlord) using Her Majesty’s writ. James Downey was a hard working man. You will find the proof of this if you look at the date of the writ;
July 24th 1873. This man's crops of corn and potatoes are ripe and ready for harvesting. His backbreaking toil ploughing the soil, planting the seed and nurturing the fledgling crops are all in vain. He will not even be allowed the fruits of his arduous labour. A cruel use of the law of the land! His little fields amounting to 15 Irish acres 3 roods and 20 perches will be seized and sold to the highest bidder. The proceeds of the fruits of James's labour will be....A landlord' gain! You wonder why we had to be "The Fighting Irish" An important parchment in the story of Ireland.
We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own. We have added a 'aged look' to this print which creates a stunning atmosphere when framed.
We look forward to helping you create your own collection that can be treasured and admired by your family for many generations to come!
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.