There is an old wartime saying, "to the victors go the spoils". The spoil in this case comes in the form of the “Irish Republic” flag, which had flown high on the GPO in O’Connell Street during the 1916 Easter Rising. When the flag was raised, it was greeted with great cheers from the Dublin crowd.
One wonders what Parnell would have to say as these British officers pose beneath his statue grasping their prize. Perhaps he would say, "Hold your council for the battle is only beginning". He would have been right! These proud officers were not to know it but...the tide was turning. The Nation is marching on, they will have a man called Michael Collins to reckon with!
The Irish Republic flag was brought back to Britain and put on display in the British Imperial War Museum from 1917-1966. It was returned to Ireland for the 50th Anniversary of the Rising in 1966. It is now on display in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.