Times were tough in 1913. In order to get a job to feed your family you had to work for the cheapest pay and even then, yes even then if you did get a job it was barely eking out a living. The spectre of hunger for you and your loved ones was not far away. Dublin was severely overcrowded at the time, 30,000 families living in 15,000 tenements. Slum conditions brought hardships least of all high mortality rates in infancy and from rampant TB. All this led to a mass general strike known as "The Dublin Lockout"...
We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own. We have added a 'aged look' to this print which creates a stunning atmosphere when framed.
We look forward to helping you create your own collection that can be treasured and admired by your family for many generations to come!
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.