Garda (Irish Police) outside Station, 1940's

Sale price€19,00


Garda (Irish Police) outside Station, 1940's 
Garda pose with motorcycle outside the 'Guard's Barracks' as they were known in those days. The old Garda motorcycle takes pride of place and looks well travelled across the mucky roads of 1940s Ireland. Ireland was an easy going place back then with very little lawbreaking or misdemeanours. The guards had a genial relationship with the community and neighbour helped neighbour within the community. Nostalgic photo of a moment in time in 1940s Ireland. 

We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own. We look forward to helping you create your own collection that can be treasured and admired by your family for many generations to come. 

Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.

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