Now lads, steady yer nerves. It’s a big day in Carlow GAA history. Ye all know what happens when the Laois men cross Graiguecullen Bridge and on to the Holy ground of Carlow! On the other side, coming up the Athy Road the Kildare contingent will be coming in full force and they'll not be takin' any prisoners. Several pipe bands will be in attendance including the Killeshin Pipe Band and the Doonane Pipe band. There'll be ice cream stalls galore and juicy apples an' oranges to be had by all! And when the battle is over between neighbours Kildare and Laois, prepare for a hurling heave of gigantic proportions between "The Dubs" and "The Cats". So, come one, come all, its gonna be a great day, make sure ye have a shilling in yer pockets for the gate...
We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own. We have added an 'aged look' to this print which creates a stunning atmosphere when framed.
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.