The year was 1953. The place was a farmyard in County Laois. A large crowd gathered around the corn-rick in anticipation of the arrival of Dinger Shore's threshing set.
The day was hot and the banter was mighty as the early morning sun was splitting the trees. "Quiet lads, listen" Says Tom of the Rock, "I think I hear something". Sure enough the rumble of the old tractor and threshing machine could be heard for miles. The Dinger was on his way! "By the sound of it he'll be here in the hour, get Katie ta dish out the sandwiches, grab yer tae mugs an' get yer sup for twill be a hard day”. They grubbed and supped well as the rumble got louder. "Ye all know yer jobs, see Ned Kennedy for your twine, pitch-forks and knives and anything else ye might want”.
"Joe Brennan will set out a botton for the threshed straw",
"Mick Kelly will take charge of the full corn sacks",
"The young Dowlings will clear the chaff, they’re strong young lads and well able for it".
"Now Murphy, yerself and Daly will cut the sheafs and feed the drum...I have no need ta tell ye lads, tis a dangerous job so keep yer wits about yez. We don't want a funeral on our hands today!”
"The rest of ye good neighbours, I can't thank yez enough for throwing in with us this harvest day". Let ye all be safe.
With great dexterity The Dinger guided the great Ransome Threshing set over the stony gap through the haggard and beside the corn rick. A great event had begun. Little did anybody know that the old ways were ending and we would never see the likes of this again. Bless them all.
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx.