A fascinating piece! On the left you have interesting details on Titanic such as information on the restaurant, the gym, clothing and cleaning room. While on the right is a schedule for the Titanic & Olympic. The striking difference between these two great ships is that 'The Olympic' went on to fulfil her schedule. While her sister ship, Titanic had a single date with destiny. When she sailed away from Queenstown, (Cobh) County cork off the south-west coast of Ireland, she sailed into history. New York and a brave new world was to be her destination. She carried with her the hopes and dreams of all on board. If you study this venerable parchment carefully you will see that her next voyage was to be on May 1st and then on May 22nd and so on right through to December. They were appointments that the great lady could not keep...
We are delighted to present these fascinating rarities of old Ireland for you to own.
We look forward to helping you create your own collection that can be treasured and admired by your family for many generations to come!
Dimensions: 16” X 10” approx