On Halloween night in 1920, 18 year old Kevin Barry sat alone in his cell with his last pieces of paper and a blue prison pencil to write a farewell letter to his friends. At 8am, he would face the hangman, becoming the first rebel to be executed since the 1916 executions. The sentence was for his involvement in an ambush that led to the first British soldier casualties in Dublin since the 1916 Rising.
"Dear Boys, This letter is to the two of you + McManus + Lynch + Paddy as I have no more paper. I was sorry I couldn’t see McManus, but I suppose it couldn’t be managed. I had quite a crowd of visitors today and a crowd from the college prayed and sang outside the gates but perhaps you were there. Well boys, we have seen some good times, and I have always considered myself lucky to have such a crowd of pals. It’s the only thing which makes it hard to go, the fact of leaving you chaps and other friends behind. Now I charge you thank everybody you know for me, who has had masses etc said. Everybody has been awfully decent and I can assure you I appreciate it. Also say a few more prayers when I go over and then you can rest. Now Jack, remember me to Temple and Co + all Grafton St, Vin remember me to Ballyjamesduff and Co + John O’Donnell + Frank O, Paddy remember me to Thor and Jack Lynch to the nights. Give my best wishes to Jerry Condon, Jack Henry, John McKenna, Joe Hardy, Joe Black and to Spike. Good bye now boys and you have my very best wishes.
Your Pal,
The letter was sold by Adams Auctioneers for €105,000 in 2010.
Photo by Old Ireland in Colour.